Today Fabian and Annette invited us for tea in their garden. They live close to Oona's nursery school so we walked over to their place after school. They have a front and back very private garden with a little pond right in the centre of London. Oona helped Annette plant flowers and Kiefer had a good walk in the grass holding onto uncle Fabian.
S and A called and when Alex asked Oona, "how's it going?" she answered, "good!" Well Oona had 2 huge bowls of cheerios for lunch and a huge bowl of popcorn and milk for dinner - that's it. Breakfast also was dry cheerios. Cookies at Fabian and Annette's place. We do brush a lot. Oona is very good about that.
Tonight when Kiefer cried Oona said, "It's not his teeth nana, he wants his mommy."