Friday, 17 July 2009

Down Time

Party is over, guests have gone home and we are watching TV.
Going up north tomorrow where we will NOT have internet connection.
Oona and Kiefer will wait for daddio to arrive on bike. I will sign in again after two weeks with lots of news.
Goodnight for now.

Thursday, 16 July 2009

Birthday sparkles

Oona helped prepare for her mummy's birthday with great gusto and busy little fingers. She set  candles into the little cakes, had a taste of everything, and handed  balloons to everyone. Foufou, however, is not amused and will crowd into my lap at any opportunity. Not only does Oona chase him, but now so does Kiefer.
Here are the girlzz - a reunion- as they live in London, Montreal and Toronto. Kiefer and Cormac missed the party. They went to straight to their little beds after bath. Flowers from A are beautiful!


Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Visitors from Montreal

Kiefer has a very sweet little guest from Montreal. His name is Cormac. Cormac's mummy is Sonja's good friend and Oona's Godmother. Kiefer walks everywhere without hesitation and can do a 360 and an about face. He especially likes to go for stairs when no one is watching. Here is Oona at her badminton camp adjusting her 'mask' or safety glasses. When the instructor asked what "What do you remember from yesterday, Oona answered, "You have to hit the birdie."


Tuesday, 14 July 2009


Here's Sonja and Oona scooting around in the whaler. And here is Oona in   a pink frilly ballerina skirt that she chose  when shopping. Oona went fishing, boating and skampering around on the rocks with it on. Kiefer fell into a hypnotic trance on the boat. He became quiet and still and just stared out into the open. We swam but the water and air are still a bit cool and fresh.


Thursday, 9 July 2009


Oona has three new friends across the street. Very rambunctious little boys who immediately tackled her when introduced. Oona set them straight. She said, "stop that, I'm a girl!"
And they did stop. They call  on her to go to the park and visit in the back yard, jump in the little swimming pool and look for wild strawberries. The family of five have moved in temporarily with their grandfather across the street. Grandfather is 75, has live alone for a long time and does not look all too happy with all activities. 
Here is Inga giving a rope skipping demonstration before she jets off to Riga today. And here Kiefer being restrained from demolishing the library shelves.


Monday, 6 July 2009

Baby Sophie and Inga

Here's Oona giving "baby Sophie, baby Sophie" an Eskimo kiss. And here is Inga, my seventeen year old Latvian relative, thinking we are all crazy because we sang her Happy Birthday when her birthday is in January. Inga has been here for a month and is sad to return home on Wednesday. She loves kids and has been a great help especially when Oona, Kiefer and Sophie are all together. Moreover, when I enrolled Inga in the following she did not complain, and went cheerfully to, ESL (English as a Second Language) classes with old people and met Harold from Korea, Burl-Oak Canoe Club where Connie Lee the olympic level coach yelled at her for falling in the water from a racing kayak, St. John's Ambulance First Aid Coarse for babysitters where she sat inside for a full sunny day but received certification in the end. Congratulations! Inga you did a great job! well done, nice work!!!


Saturday, 4 July 2009

Bikini baby and Kiefer Toddling

Kiefer toddling on his own in video format did not upload to the blog. So here is Oona in her new bikini at the pool in town. Will try again with the video. Kiefer is too cute for words with his little paws in the air as he stumbles towards Sonja.


Friday, 3 July 2009

Good Morning Canada

At 6am (11am London time) this morning Oona, after adjusting her princess hat,woke us with a cymbal clang or two. I foolishly left a basket of percussion instruments in the upstairs playroom close to our room. Kiefer joined in by banging on a miniature steel band drum. By afternoon everyone faded. Allan and Sonja biked to town for coffee with Oona and Kiefer in the bike buggy. On the way back Kiefer nodded off on Oona's shoulder.
