Here's Oona giving "baby Sophie, baby Sophie" an Eskimo kiss. And here is Inga, my seventeen year old Latvian relative, thinking we are all crazy because we sang her Happy Birthday when her birthday is in January. Inga has been here for a month and is sad to return home on Wednesday. She loves kids and has been a great help especially when Oona, Kiefer and Sophie are all together. Moreover, when I enrolled Inga in the following she did not complain, and went cheerfully to, ESL (English as a Second Language) classes with old people and met Harold from Korea, Burl-Oak Canoe Club where Connie Lee the olympic level coach yelled at her for falling in the water from a racing kayak, St. John's Ambulance First Aid Coarse for babysitters where she sat inside for a full sunny day but received certification in the end. Congratulations! Inga you did a great job! well done, nice work!!!