Someone I know in Latvia laments, "summer is ooohver." But the pier in Oakville where we rode on bikes does not look like this YET! My back deck where we ate summer lunches and dinners does not look like this YET! However, we went north to Georgian Bay quietly, just the two of us, and started to prepare for winter closing. We will pull the water lines out of the lake, disconnect all the pipes so they don't freeze and split and pour antifreeze into the toilets, appliances and boat motors. A lot of yelling goes on in this process and I would like a subsitite for me. The Bay will freeze over. We have cross countried skiied out to our place in February but we have to call the Indians ahead to make sure all the water is frozen and there is no danger that we will fall through. Winter landscape, snowdrifts, ice, look very beautiful like the moon I imagine. An artist on a heighbouring island named Ed Bartram (google his name to see his art) has made a career putting the rock striations onto canvas.
Everything was quiet and we miss little voices, big voices, antics
and little feet in the morning.