Here I am holding that sweet little Kiefer cuddle bug. He grows before my very eyes. But then again all he does is hang on Sonja's boob.
This morning we got off to a late start. Sonja was very groggy, Oona refused to get dressed, Kiefer wanted to feed, so I brought breakfast for everyone up to the little terrace off their bedroom.
Oona did a 'limpics' demonstration. We had watched the syncro diving the night before and Oona says, "I do dat" and "I go dere." Then she hangs upside down off a chair with her arms in a diving position. By the time we showered, dressed babies and ourselves , got ourselves downstairs, the clock read 12.30 and we made lunch.
Then we took the bus to the Ballroom in very blustery, windy, rainy, cold weather. The Ball room is in a huge new sports facility with beautiful pools and gyms and tennis courts and a room full of styrofoam balls with a laberynth of slides and platforms at different levels from which the kids jump and land in the styrofoam balls. Oona loves this room. The only trouble is that you can't always see her and there a hundred kids shreeking with glee.
The parents are supposed to watch their kids. We sat next to a mom who all of a sudden jumped up and asked a child where her mommy was. This child had hit her child. So the mommy of the hitter came and the mommy of the hittee started to yell at her about her child's behaviour. The mommy of the hitter did not apologize or say she would talk to her daughter and instead yelled at the mommy of the hittee. They got louder and nastier and I thought they would hit each other. The attendant did nothing, the kids looked on, and I was about to intervene and tell the mommy of the hitter that she could defuse the situation by simply saying "sorry" on her daughter's behalf and talking to her, but Sonja stopped me and we almost had a fight. Phewww! Oona did not see this.
The place also has a beautiful eatery with yummy food and comfy couches where moms can nurse their babies.
Tomorrow though, we will go build sandcastles at nice peaceful Paddington Rec and run around the track.
All for now,