Friday, 22 August 2008

Walking in the Countryside Fri Aug22nd

Jack usually ignores Oona. But here he is on a lead pulling Oona up a hill in a vinyard. If Oona stopped. Jack stopped. He waited for whoever lagged behind, and came back to us as if to say, "come on then". He is an old dog yet leaped over footpath stiles and ran down a hill with Oona. I have never heard Oona laugh so much. `
We stopped to look at cows and Oona said, "I scared." We saw 'sheeps' and billy goats and more chickens, and thatched roof cottages and listened to a rustle in the forest and Oona said,"Oh, fairies."

Came back a bit tired and I had to carry Oona up a hill. Sonja stopped to feed Kiefer while Oona and I gathered blackberries.

At Grandad and Omi's home when I look after Oona and cannot see her, sometimes I call out "What are you doing?" She usually answers and tells me. But sometimes she says very sweetly, "nothing." Then I look. I have caught her poking a long stick at the chicks, or doing something else that she knows she ought not to. "I naughty," she says.

Am learning...or rather relearning.


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