Here is Rev Thompson trying to hold Kiefer upside down in the baptismal font at the Anglican church where Chris and Marianne were married 3 years ago.
The tower in the backround has a long, steep, narrow spiral stair case that leads to the bell ringers who played beautifully. Oona and I were invited to take a look as we met the chief bellringer the night before. So up we climbed -Oona in her flip flops. Oona held her ears as it did feel like we were inside the church bells. I was surprised to see only 8 ropes or one octave that on the street sounded much more complex.

The bellringer on the right put his whole bodily energy into ringing. His assistant is on the left.

Kiefer in his little linen outfit is ready to climb up and down steps-any steps.

And the party at our house, with 8 little cousins and second cousins. Sonja and Chris's cousin Tara has 4 children. She is married to an Aitken.
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