Sunday 4 January 2015

Summer 2014

Pictures from summer of 2014.

Sunday 19 August 2012

Regatta Fun

In keeping with the Olympic spirit we all raced in the adult swim events. Here is Chris getting ready to swim.
Minnow races are a highlight of Olympic events. You pick a minnow and the gates open as in a horse race. Kiefer's minnow immediately swam to the finish line for a first place ribbon.
Canoe races demand some more muscle. Oona is in the middle of this canoe to lower the centre of gravity.
Sonja's event had only one other participant, Sarah. Sonja and Sarah have six kids between them and they were on the dock to cheer their mummies on.
This Bullfrog is real. Oona has no fear and loves chasing frogs minnows and centipedes.She always releases her catches. Her dew worms for fishing have become her pets. They reside in my fridge next to the yogurt.
The object of this game is to collect as many styrofoam balls as possible. The most effective method is to stuff as many balls into your bathing suit as you can.

Tuesday 14 August 2012

A Sparkling Day

Oona an Kiefer check for rocks as we enter a narrow inlet to anchor at Pomeroy island.
Here's Oona getting the anchor ready as we tag along for a picnic with the day camp kids from Sans Souci.
We walked across to the outside of the island for our picnic and swimming spot.
Where Kiefer sat happily munching while he enjoyed the view.
Whereas Oona jumped in the water immediately for a swim and then spent most of the time catching and releasing tadpoles in the numerous tadpole pools near the shore. A truly sparkling Georgian Bay day in very hot temperatures.

Saturday 31 March 2012

Happy Birthday Alex!

This is my last night in London and we partied and celebrated Alex's birthday April first. Oona, Kiefer and I made a yogurt cake with straw-
berries and 'koklate' smarties. At 6am this morning Alex and I drove to the Canary Wharf area to Billingsgate Fish Market established in the 19th century when it was the largest inland fish market in the world. We and our clothes still smell of fish as we ate fried kippers at 8am sitting next to the merchants that were break-
fasting on beautifully cooked, fresh from the ocean, dover sole. We bought fresh mussels, clams and white fish for a fish stew. Sad to leave.

Friday 30 March 2012

Liberty's of London

I should have asked how old these wood carved panels are in side the elevator at Liberty's of London. Beautiful peaceful old time department store in the middle of hectic downtown London. The main entrance took me to scarf heaven with an over-
whelming choice of patterns. I babysat Astrid tonight as S and A went out for Birthday dinner. Sidney came to help with Oona and Kiefer. We all did it!

Thursday 29 March 2012


Can you see that Astrid is growing by the day! She is a very calm baby but her voice gets louder and louder when she's hungary. Kiefer and I went to the park for a"koklate stick ice cream." And Oomi visited today. Oomi and Nana watched Kiefer at his football practice. Kiefer corrects me if I say soccer. Kiefer will definitely be the next generation of England footballers in what ever capacity.

Tuesday 27 March 2012


These blossoms are very near Oona's school at the top of Portobello road. Everyone catches the sun as if it were the middle of summer with tank tops, shorts and sandals. The picture of 'The Girls" is in the village of Denham on Sunday. The last shot is at a brand-new mall in central where we sat and had lunch. It felt like a modern airport in Switzerland. Very chi chi.