Friday 21 August 2009

Moments to Remember

Allan 's computer sent my computer his favourite photos , so here they are if you scroll down.
And here are a few of my favourite thought images.

*Alex has been fully initiated into Georgian Bay. Actually Georgian Bay initiated him. He hit a rock while driving the Blue Grew and dinged the prop or rather the skeg.

* Sonja claims she understands bird language. A very beautiful woodpecker species built a nest in the wall of the cottage right above their bed. Sonja and Oona and Alex listened everyday to the Mummy woodpecker coaxing her babies. Sonja translated.

*Oona had the energy to swim on her own ( I was next to her) and yell to the others at the same time - Wait for Me! - almost all the way to Manitou Dock. A distance of 400 metres.

*Allan jump started on two water skiis from the dock! I haven't seen him frolick like that for years.

*Inga from Latvia learned to kayak at a club that trains Canada's gold medalist. Inga also learned to make creme brulee.

*Sophie squeeled with delight, louder than any little person I have heard, at the sight of Oona and Kiefer's little faces.

* I baked three cakes for Kiefer's birthday on a rainy day with a very eager helper - Oona.

*Chris became The Godfather to Kiefer.

* Oona informed me that bunnies have pink ears. I unwittingly made brown ears on a buuny costume for her Birthday.

* Marianne introduced me to quinoa - YUM!

* Marianne is getting to like bugs.

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