Most of Oona's outdoor activity around here consists of chasing Foufou, our cat, around the house, under the bushes and among the flower beds. Foufou trys to avoid Oona at all costs and Oona becomes very frustrated. Finally! here he sits with her as they both watch Winnie the Pooh bed time video. Oona leans away from Foufou because if she sits too close the cat leaps away. She did reach over to pet him but asked first, "he bite me?" She told us all on her own, "Button bites people, Jack Growls and Beano is a good dog."
We all went to the wedding of Kristi and Jon who came to Kent to Sonja and Alex's wedding.
Their most moving ceremony encorporated elements from two traditions - Jewish (Jon) and Lutheran (Kristi) .
During the speeches, the comment that made me chuckle the most ; Jon spoke of his Granny who " found time to not only knit hats for him but also balaklavas for the Israeli army."
Kiefer and Oona were in good care with Allan's brother and his wife who reported that Oona went to bed like a little angel.
Earlier in the week Chris had a how-to-change-a-nappie lesson by Sonja demonstrated on Kiefer. Marianne is expecting a baby girl in mid February.