Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Goodbye Again

Today Oona tried to feed Foufou and Foufou took a swipe at her with his paw. He didn't actually nik  or harm her, just scared her. Oona cried and was devastated. After we reprimanded Foufou, Oona grabbed her blankey and marched off with her little arms pumping and said, "mommy I want to go home." She had had enough of trying to make friends with Foufou in vain. 
On our way to the airport on the highway, we realized that we did not have the blankey or flankey as Oona calls it. We did an about turn at the next exit, drove back and retreived it.
Here is Sonja in the airport check-in lineup updating Alex. Oona is asleep and Kiefer is asleep in the Baby Bjorn. A few minutes earlier everyone was wailing. 

Favouite Oonism for the day, "I play the flanio."


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