Last night before bed, Oona sat on the window seat and watched giant snowflakes float down on our little pond. This morning woke up to a white ground, white roof-tops and a frozen white pond. Sonja had to buy winter boots before the day’s activities which included going to see great grandma Galberg for lunch. Here is grandma Galberg and Kiefer. By mid-day the sun shone and the roads were clear. Then off to Chris and Marianne’s for the evening where Oona made chocolate cupcakes with sprinkles with Marianne, played with Uncle Chris in the snow, and enjoyed her favourite dinner. Pasta! Phuew! What a social schedule! Then home to sit with granddad on the comfy couch with milk and a huge bowl of fresh popcorn and “one more episode of Winnie –the –Pooh.” We have seen all the Winnie videos the library owns - maybe more than once.
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