Sunday 26 February 2012

Dolphin Swim

Today we actually held onto the dorsal fin with our left hand and hooked the right hand under the belly of the dolphin, held our breath and the dolphin dove under and torpedo swam about the lenght of an olympic pool in 10 seconds. You really really had to get close to the dolphin and really really hold tight. The third time I got it right. What powerful, gentle intelligent mammals! Fantastic! Here are some pictures of tourists posing with the dolphins. They do not look real.They respond to hand signals and a whistle that I could not hear. The trainer has a pouch of fish and feeds them constantly. They were born and live in captivity in a large pen, in ocean water, have never been out and would not know how to hunt. The trainers say that keeping dolphins is the same as keeping horses corralled. But they make so much money from this thrill (500US for two of us). We have an underwater video of our rides.These are two of the pools at the resort and the huts across from ours.
Flying tomorrow :(

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