Friday 8 August 2008

Aug08 oona around the track

Today I took Oona to the park with a pail and shovel. I sat with her as she made sandcastle in the sand pit by the track. When I said that I would jog around that track and would she like to come, she said "yes".


When we stopped at the sand pit she took a few breaths and I said that I would go again and would she like to come, she said "yes".
and off she sent again laughing, skipping and jumping over the painted lines. She ran all the way around again with her little feet flapping out to the side. Is this normal for a not yet three year old???

The 400 m track, by the way has a sign that says,"Roger Bannister" trained here. Bannister was the first person to break the 4 minute mile in 1954.

Kiefer is a sweet little squeeky door and keeps Sonja up at night. She is pretty sleep deprived. When we were at the park, Sonja and Alex and Kiefer went to the registry office. Kiefer is now registered as a British citizen.

Oona went to bed at her normal time with as much spunk and energy as usual. She and I did have a nap in the after noon. 
That's all for now.

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