Monday, 11 August 2008

Oona's Nose. Mon Aug 11th

Oona likes to snuggle Kiefer and give him kisses. Today Kiefer latched onto Oona's nose and had a suckle. Oona laughed and laughed. Kiefer gets stronger by the day and better at feeding. He feeds every 2 hours.

We try to develop a routine. This morning Oona and I went off to the track again with her pail and shovel. She builds castles in the broadjump sand pit at one end of the track. Usually another mom from Iran with a little girl Oona's age whose name is Safiya also hang out there. The mom Liela, who I am getting to know, does a good hour of laps with Safiya in the pram with the big wheels. Then Oona and Safiya share shovels and pails and then we jog around with the little ones. Liela and I do situps and what not and she tells me a bit about her life.

Some strange sights at that track in the morning - a black burqua clad woman jogging and talking on the cellphone, 2 young Somali men doing fancy warmup dance like steps before their run, an elderly Chinese lady chasing her 2 grandsons around the track.
After our park time we walk home with a little bag of gummy bears and milk. Oona showed me an alternate route home. She knows exactly where to go. "Dis way, Dis way, my house."

This afternoon, a babysitter came for 3 hours, Oona fell asleep on the couch and Sonja, Kiefer and I had an outing. Sonja bought some post partum tops and we stopped in at a proper tea shop for  scones, clotted cream and jam at 4pm which is the custom. Great pick-me-up.

Tonight at dinner Oona  lay down on the carpet by the dinner table and did "excises like Nana"
She puts her little hands behind her head and strains and strains  to do a sit up but can't quite make it  YET.

Good to know all is well with you M.



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